Personally, I very seriously buy into the ancient Greek philosophy of personal development in body, mind and spirit. "Mens Sana in Corpore Sano!"
For the body, I've been training martial arts for 17 years, teaching for over 12. I was also on the Canadian National ITF Tae Kwon Do team in 2007! I train a lot and it would be important to meet someone who is understanding of how busy I am and perhaps even appreciates the effort I'm putting into this part of my life! Recently I've been thinking that I would really love to find someone who has a similar passion for some kind of physical art of their own. I would LOVE to support her in whatever she does, be it at some performance or competition. I'd really want to be proud of my future partner for her efforts!
For the mind, I've got a Bachelor of Commerce, a Master of Science and I'm so curious about everything in this beautiful world that I'm regularly learning about anything and everything that crosses my path. I'm passionate about almost everything really!
For Spirit... Interesting subject that. I'm an atheist and I don't believe in anything supernatural. So to me, this facet of the Greek philosophy I quoted is represented in my life by the following. I love to philosophize and debate all kinds of issues. I embrace change and am always working to improve my perspective on the universe, morality, existence, etc. I am extremely optimistic, kind, accepting, loving, respectful, and I self-identify as a feminist or perhaps more an equalist if you'd like!
I have a true abundance of passion and energy; you won't truly understand this until you meet me.